Ithaca College →

Ten disposable cameras. Five locations. One authentic view of a day at Ithaca College.

Pretty cool. Leave a few disposable (film!) cameras around, collect them at the end of the day, and put the photos up on the web.

I’d love to do a little project like this one day.

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One Race, Every Medalist Ever →

Perhaps the only Olympics-related thing I’ll link: a great video from The New York Times showing off the differences of the 100m sprint over time.

You win some, you lose some. →

On the plus side, link posts now work, which means I can send you down internet rabbit holes much, much easier (click the title of this post to look at a nice picture. SFW and all that).

On the minus side, YouTube embeds have an issue where they’ll display larger than they’re supposed to. HTTPS Vimeo links didn’t work either, but I can deal with that.

You win some, you lose some.