A slightly-overexposed photo of Domokun

Slightly over-exposed in the top rightLEFT corner, but otherwise I think it turned out okay. I had a different one under fluorescent lights but I like this one better; brings out the texture of the fabric of Domo whereas the one under fluoros was pretty bland.

As an aside the image  number is 1337. Yes, I had a little giggle over that one.

EDIT: I get my right and left confused without meaning to.

Guys? Guys, I think I might have a problem.

Most-recently acquired Nerf guns at the top, least-recently acquired ones at the bottom. What’s not in the photo: one Secret-Strike AS-1 (long since lost, I think), my very first broken Maverick (didn’t cock properly, tried to fix it, that didn’t go so well), and one single-shot Nerf. Not sure what it’s called, but there’s a picture here.

Perhaps one day I’ll post about each individual gun.

Hello, Melbourne.

See those ugly lines running all over the screen? Exactly what I hate about Melbourne. Sometimes a guy just wants his view of the sky to be unimpeded, you know?

Photo taken with iPhone 4 with in-camera HDR. Straight from the camera, no editing.