What happens when you roll toilet paper down the aisle of an airliner and then flush? Mark Malkoff conducts an experiment to find out while he lives aboard an AirTran airplane for 30 days.
Tag Archives: wtf
Worst. Idea. Ever.
Worst. Idea. Ever.
via Worst. Idea. Ever at Kontraband UK.
I’m not one to usually link to Kontraband, but this is the exception.
Benny’s WTF for the day…
Wow, three FOUR posts in one day! I must be insane…
Anyway – check this out! I was looking at the bandwidth that our hosting has been using (seeing as three websites are being hosted from it) and I noticed this…
Well, that’s more than weird – that’s actually impossible.
I’m fairly sure the Internet didn’t exist in 1969, and freshbytes certainly didn’t, so… CAN SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS SCREENSHOT?!
And that, dear readers, is Benny’s WTF for the day.