
Tag Archives: water

Don’t Sweat It!

When you live in a hot place like Malaysia, you sweat.

Sweat makes your skin all sticky.

Contrary to popular opinion, showers don’t help. They’re only there to get you wet.

No matter how many showers you take in a day, it doesn’t help alleviate the fact that you’re sticky – because that’s how you’re going to stay.

Every time you take a shower, it’s not helping how sticky you are. What it is doing, is washing off the previous day’s stickyness so you can build up a new layer – paving the road with a red carpet for more sweat; more stickiness.

The solution?

Don’t sweat.

I’m not kidding, either. If you don’t sweat, you don’t get sticky, and it’s as simple as that.

Keep cool, and don’t sweat. Works every time, although it can be a little hard to achieve.

Air Con helps a massive amount, as does dehydration. When you’re dehydrated, you don’t sweat (as much), but you also feel like crap 100% of the time, which is why I recommend copious amounts of air conditioning.

So – lesson for the day?

Don’t sweat it.

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Balance | For The Mind

This water is enhanced with 6 flower essences handpicked to support focus and concentration. It helps people of all ages deal with the pressures of life, and assists in calming and centring the mind.

via Balance | For The Mind.

Uhuh, I’m sure it is.

I really don’t see the need for any of that “designer bottled” water stuff.

Stuff like Evian water. I mean, srsly?

Come on. You’re better than that.