
Tag Archives: net

Aussie government’s own report trashes ‘Net filtering

Australia’s hugely controversial ISP filtering plan received a lump of Christmas coal in its stocking with the release this week of a new report that points out the many difficulties with such a scheme. The current government’s response is to make clear that the report was commissioned by the previous government—which apparently makes it a bit suspect. A live trial of the filtering system has been delayed into January, but it is still going ahead.

via Aussie government’s own report trashes ‘Net filtering.

Senator Conroy – let’s just get this over with and dump this already.

Stop wasting our money, and focus on something that really matters – FTTN FTW!

Australian ‘Net filter testing will include P2P traffic

That FAQ has revealed some other insights into the working logic behind the decision to roll out Internet filters. Although the previous tests and all public statements on the matter focused on web traffic, the actual live tests are expected to include the use of filters that target P2P applications like BitTorrent. The blacklist, comprised of somewhat over a thousand sites, will be provided by the Australian Communications and Media Authority. But, in a bit of a catch-22, nobody’s allowed to know what sites are on the blacklist—after all, publishing the list would let pervs know where to find the child porn.

via Australian ‘Net filter testing set, will include P2P.

Oh noes!

Senator Conroy, you’re stealing mah internets.