As some of you may already know, I’m heading overseas for the next couple of weeks. During this time, I’ll be handing over the reins to my very capable (when he’s bothered to be) co-founder, Chris Jacques – which means you’ll still get your weekly dose of freshbytes-love.
As an added bonus, you might even see a post or two from me while I’m away, thanks to WordPress’ excellent publishing tools which allow me to publish a pre-written post on a specific date, at a specific time. Depending on how much writing I manage to get done before I fly out on Thursday.
via freshbytes » A Freshbytes Fresh Update.
So yeah – same thing goes for here, except that Chris Jacques will NOT be posting anything here. Sorry, fans of Chris! This is a personal blog, after all…
Try not to wreck the place while I’m gone, and hopefully I’ll have some awesome posts when I get back, as well as some sort of direction (no idea if you’ve noticed, but I’ve been cross-posting via Press This a lot lately. I don’t want this to become a gadget blog [that’s better left to Engadget, Gizmodo, etc] but I do post things here which I think are cool).
From yours truly,
Benny Ling..