Tag Archives: digg

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A

If you’re a gamer and haven’t heard of this famous button sequence, you likely fall into one of two categories: one, you’ve got a problem with lying, or two, you’ve got some sort of amnesia going on… and you might want to get that checked out. Or maybe you’re just really good at Contra.

via Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A.

…obviously, I’m not a gamer.

When I saw this, I seriously had no idea what it meant…

However, one interpid Digg commentator pointed out that inputting the above code will automagically expand all Digg comments, and by golly, it did too!

I was amazed.

35 Basic Tutorials to Get You Started with Photoshop

As a professional and 8 years experienced. I can tell you there is no better method to learning photoshop then raw experimentation.. Layer blending modes are a great way to see how to get awesome effects, try overlay, color burn and dodge alot, and scroll through the others to see what you get. Failure Failure Failure, it will get you comfortable and not afraid to try new things. Avoid filters as much as possible, they severely handicapped me for 2 years in my journey. Best advice I can give you, if you care to listen, is buy a tablet (1028p atleast 4×6), draw as much as you can, start hard, download brush packs and make your own, and most importantly DO NOT BE AFRAID.. you can do it… the more you force yourself to adapt the program around your needs, the quicker you’ll learn. If at 12 years old I could get it, I guarantee anyone else can too. I’m 20 now, and already in my third job of my career without a degree makin good money. I never had formal training, and you dont need it either. It helps but its not required. A DEGREE IS though, I’m working for mine, just make sure you dont wait for school to get started. You dont wana go in without any knowledge or experience you wont get good job placement.

Being able to draw will heavily distinguish you from the normal Graphics Designer, not only will your designs be crisper and more unique, but you’re not bounded by purchasing a stocks or a damn good camera to capture your own. Don’t get me wrong though, stocks are an integral part of GD, you just don’t want them to be the foundation of every design. BTW, drawing is an achieved talent, your not born with it, it takes a lot of practice but hell its worth every minute.

istockphoto.com (stocks only), pixel2life.com, good-tutorials.com, deviantart.com are great places to get training and resources for any new graphics designer, as you get better look for digital painting tutorials. Go to places like depthcore.com and try to pick out how they developed their pieces, technique studies in your spare time will improve your skill DRAMATICALLY.

Join graphics design communities, and get your art critiqued (word of warning, dont beg for lessons, we hate walking people through stuff). If I had any websites off hand I would post them here. Remember, Dont be AFRAID, fear of failure will handicap you more than anything else. Know you can do it.. know it and you will eventually be a great designer.

Sorry for the rant, but im assuming if you cared about this article then your looking for all the advice you can get. I wish all the new designers luck in their venture, and I hope to see some new inspiring work up on the net! Have fun!

via Digg – 35 Basic Tutorials to Get You Started with Photoshop.

I just wanted some Photoshop tutorials, not your whole life story… 😉

#349916 – Pastie

Zune Source Code FAIL

via #349916 – Pastie.

The offending function from the source code of Zune’s that caused the huge, epic Zune failure.

For those of you that don’t know how it managed to fail (myself included), see this Digg explanation for more:


For anyone who is wondering or just doesn’t want to figure it out, Dec. 31 qualified as being greater than day 365 (obviously, because it was day 366) but it got caught where the program says to look at (days > 365). The problem is that there was no code for what to do if the day *equals* 366, only if days is *greater* than 366. So, there was no way to break out of the (days > 365) loop until today (day 367) when the program would reset days to 1, thereby breaking the loop.

Whoops. It’s amazing what one bad “if” statement can do.

Heh. Amateur mistake, I know…

73.4 Percent of All Wikipedia Edits Are Made By Roughly 1,400 People

There are millions of people who browse Wikipedia in any given month, but only 2 percent of them (roughly 1,400) are responsible for editing nearly 75 percent of the information on the entire website.

via College OTR: 73.4 Percent of All Wikipedia Edits Are Made By Roughly 1,400 People.

Now there’s an interesting thought for you.

However, Digg says otherwise:

First, those statistics are old, there are many more regular editors on wikipedia today. Second, the so called “2% rule” is nothing new and is present on pretty much every web2.0 site, or any sort of system that involves user contribution. 90% of users are lurkers, another 8-9% are light content generators, and about 1-2% do most of the work. It follows a standard distribution bell curve.

Furthermore, this article is being very paranoid about the statistics. A small group of people may be responsible for most of the actual writing of articles, but that other 26.6% comes in the form of minor edits, corrections, fact-checking, and adding credible references. You will be extremely hard-pressed to find articles that were only written entirely by one person.

So there!

If it’s on the internet, it must be true. 😀

What’s Next After Web 2.0

But we’re clearly now at a point where the financial problems of the world will have a big impact on where web technology is headed. Indeed, it looks like we’ve arrived at one of those giant inflexion points – where one web era is usurped by another.

via What’s Next After Web 2.0 – ReadWriteWeb.

What’s next after Web 2.0?

From Digg:

Why, Web 1.0, of course. It is the recession, after all…

Or, perhaps:

They skip any logical sequence (3.0) and go for the bane of the computer world, irrational letters and numbers.

Here we come web 3.402GTxL!

Heh. Digg rules.