Tag Archives: dead

Left 4 Dead 2? There goes productivity.


This same gore is achievable with all the weapons, with new ragdoll deaths for the throngs, to make their entrail-spilling, armpit-dribbling, face-exploding ways all the more entertaining. There were many gasps and cries of “OH GOOD GRIEF!” as we played, the strings of guts slopping wildly into the air, or as mentioned above, the faceless leaking mess suddenly bursting like a blood-filled balloon as the Infected fell to the floor. It’s awesome.


Another very smart change is to prevent sneaky players from trying to sit out the triggered events. In those moments in L4D where you had to press a button that began a frantic attack until an elevator arrived, or a door opened, it seems too many were crouching in a corner together and waiting for it to all die down. L4D2 has plans to prevent such treachery. Now some of the events you start can only be stopped by reaching a further target. In an extremely tense sequence, we had to make our way through a labyrinth of alarmed cars to reach a distant point that would finally see the attack fade. Trying desperately to avoid hitting any of the cars, and thus making the situation far worse, while having to make constant forward progress, amped things up significantly.

via Left 4 Dead 2 – Exclusive RPS Preview | Rock, Paper, Shotgun.

Incendiary ammo, chainsaws, frying pans, new Infected, campaigns that happen in BROAD DAYLIGHT, fire-proof Infected in Hazmat suits, Wandering Witches, OH MY!


Dammit, now I’ll REALLY have to buy a new computer. Or at least, and upgrade. =/

I can’t wait. For more info in the coming days, hit up the L4D blog.

Your guide to moving unseen in Left 4 Dead

When you’re playing the versus mode in Left 4 Dead, the zombie’s ability to see the outline of your character through the walls gives them a huge advantage while planning their attacks. There are some things you can do to make that outline disappear so you can move in secret, but what those things are have been subject to debate online. Finally, someone on the Steam forum has outlined exactly what you can and can’t do if you want to remain unseen.

via Your guide to moving unseen in Left 4 Dead.

I really, really need a computer that can handle this game!!

ARGH!! Not being able to play this game is driving me mad… 🙁

Left 4k Dead

About the game:

Left 4k Dead was made by Markus Persson,

for the 2009 Java 4k Competition.

The entire game is less than 4kb.

The game is inspired by Left 4 Dead by Valve Software.

via Left 4k Dead.

It’s actually quite good. Nothing compared to the real Left 4 Dead, but fun nevertheless.

75 Must Have Games for the Holidays

Reviews Editor Tae K. Kim says: “Taking the survival horror genre to new heights, Left4Dead is an adrenaline fueled kick to the sensory organs. Cast as one of four survivors who are under siege by an undead horde, you must shoot, run and survive. What elevates the game to greatness is the fantastic multiplayer component. You can go online and play with friends in a cooperative mode-four players all acting as a team to survive the zombie onslaught-or play deathmatch where you can cast yourself as one the undead masses to take down survivors controlled by other human players. It’s an insane amount of fun and definitely deserves a spot in every PC gamers’ library.”

via Feature : 75 Must Have Games for the Holidays [Domestic] – Page 4- from GamePro.com.

Left 4 Dead, huh?

I have it, but if only I had a computer that could handle it… 🙁