
Tag Archives: collection

Shenanigans and Tomfoolery in DayZ

A few cliff notes:

0:00: “I’m gonna hatchet his ass”
0:47: I cannot throw grenades
2:58: “Can I shoot the four to the front or no?” “Negative” *starts shooting immediately*
3:45: M107 vs AS50 noise comparison
5:07: what kind of a person lets off a DMR at the NW Airfield? Not that it really mattered anyway…
5:48: “You’re not dead, you’re not dead, you’re just unconscious”
7:21: “Glad I brought plenty of ammo”
9:28: “Damn boy that’s a lotta shooting”
9:34: “That was an M203! Oh, no, wait, it’s blowing up now.”
10:07: We try and flip an flipped ATV with the ute
12:20: “Just smash into it”
12:30: “It disappeared.”
13:20: Long-range sniping at the NW airfield
14:07: “The answer is always bandits.” (lulz in chat)
14:39: “I couldn’t even see it, there’s so much lag man”
15:09: “Well, I think we just got rid of this server’s airfield population”
16:34: “Now we’ve killed everyone at the airfield.”
16:52: M203 flare brightness testing
17:23: Low-FPS infinite zombie killing
18:00: “Hey, I didn’t use a Lee Enfield, that was somebody else”
19:23: Whose blood is that? I’m not bleeding…
20:16: Last-gasp abort attempt

Guys? Guys, I think I might have a problem.

Most-recently acquired Nerf guns at the top, least-recently acquired ones at the bottom. What’s not in the photo: one Secret-Strike AS-1 (long since lost, I think), my very first broken Maverick (didn’t cock properly, tried to fix it, that didn’t go so well), and one single-shot Nerf. Not sure what it’s called, but there’s a picture here.

Perhaps one day I’ll post about each individual gun.

Multiplex manages ripped DVDs

When you open Multiplex, it automatically finds ripped movies and will automatically catalog any physical media you have mounted. An instant search feature helps you narrow down your search results based on movie metadata. And Multiplex can download information about your movie including cover art, synopsis, ratings info, release data, cast info and more.

via Multiplex manages ripped DVDs | Macworld.

A program that automagically categorises and organises my burgonening ripped DVD collection?
