
Tag Archives: 32

Update on Windows 7 RTM – Windows 7 Team Blog

We are close, but have not yet signed off on Windows 7. When we RTM you will most certainly hear it here. As we’ve said all along, we will RTM Windows 7 when it’s ready. As previously stated, we expect Windows 7 to RTM in the 2nd half of July.


How do I get a 64-bit copy of Windows 7?

The Upgrade and Full packaged retail product of Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Professional, and Windows 7 Ultimate will come with both 32-bit and 64-bit DVDs. With Windows Vista, the 64-bit version was only available with Windows Vista Ultimate. Due to the incredible adoption of 64-bit today and customer feedback, we decided to change this for Windows 7. Now all copies of Windows 7 in developed markets will ship with both 32-bit and 64-bit DVDs.

via Update on Windows 7 RTM – Windows 7 Team Blog – The Windows Blog.

1. There’s a Windows blog?

2. Good news for those that want a 64-bit version of Windows 7, now you don’t have to buy both copies!

32 Reasons why PCs are Better than Macs

While having one company controlling both the hardware and operating system undoubtedly has its advantages, it also leaves Mac fans with all their eggs in one titanium-clad basket. Apple could, for example, decide to drop Mac OS X at any time – not entirely out of the question now that Intel-based Macs are perfectly capable of running Windows.

via 32 Reasons why PCs are Better than Macs – Features – PC Authority.


You’re kidding, right? Apple? Drop OSX?


Read the full list for more lulz like that. Seriously – only a couple of their points are valid, anyway.