See? I told you Nerf products were awesome!

The wild ‘n zany hackers over at ManaPotions have taken the Vulcan EBF-25 to heights that no one at Nerf could have ever imagined by transforming a relatively harmless foam dart gun into a bona fide chaingun. Post-hack, the weapon could fire “about as fast as a 7.62mm M60 Machine gun,” which — for those rusty on their ammunition specifications — equates to 500 rounds-per-minute. The entire mod is laid out in dangerous detail down in the read link, though even the creators admit that you’ll likely fry the motor and melt at least a few critical components after a fair amount of use. Check the vid just past the break for a scene sure to make your jaw drop.

via Nerf dart gun hacked into pulverizing chaingun – Engadget.

Vid follows:


If you’re interested in making your own, the How-To guide is here:
[:Mana Energy Potion:] | 500RPM Chaingun

Apple Failed To Copyright Mac OS X?

Mac clone manufacturer Psystar said that Apple’s copyright suit against it should be dismissed because Apple has never filed for copyright protection for its Mac OS X operating system with the U.S. Copyright Office, according to court papers.

via Apple Failed To Copyright Mac OS X, Psystar Claims — InformationWeek.

I really, really hope this isn’t true.

If it is, it’s probably the most epic fail in history; just imagine forgetting to copyright an OS! HAHAHA!

Now that’s worth firing someone over.

Australian ‘Net filter testing will include P2P traffic

That FAQ has revealed some other insights into the working logic behind the decision to roll out Internet filters. Although the previous tests and all public statements on the matter focused on web traffic, the actual live tests are expected to include the use of filters that target P2P applications like BitTorrent. The blacklist, comprised of somewhat over a thousand sites, will be provided by the Australian Communications and Media Authority. But, in a bit of a catch-22, nobody’s allowed to know what sites are on the blacklist—after all, publishing the list would let pervs know where to find the child porn.

via Australian ‘Net filter testing set, will include P2P.

Oh noes!

Senator Conroy, you’re stealing mah internets.

staticICE Server Maintenance

Unfortunately, staticICE has been suspended by our web hosting provider early this morning due to overloading the server. staticICE is in the progress of investigating a migration of our service to a new server.

via staticICE Server Maintenance.

Oh no! Where are we going to go for cheap PC parts now!!

Wait, MSY to the rescue! Just please, please don’t make me go to their website…

That’s it! MSYScraper!

The Website Is Down!

Blast Knuckles: when turning someone’s jaw into goo isn’t enough – Boing Boing Gadgets

But really, why stop there? Why not tip your knuckle dusters with dollops of nitroglycerine as well. Granted, you lose the arm, but you win the fight: a sizzling stump may seem like a bad wound, but at least you can seriously use the expression, “You oughta see the other guy.”

via Blast Knuckles: when turning someone’s jaw into goo isn’t enough – Boing Boing Gadgets.

Knuckle dusters that deliver a 950,000 volts shock when you punch someone int the face? $50.

Nitroglycerine-tipped knuckle dusters that deliver 950,000 volts when you punch someone in the space where their face used to be? Priceless.

I’ll take two, thanks. 😀

Connect with Facebook Connect

Connect with Facebook Connect.

So, you might have seen the huge “Login using Facebook” button on the sidebar. It’s right below the freshbytes logo, and when you click it, it logs you into this site with your Facebook profile. Don’t worry, I don’t automatically download all of your profile pics or anything freaky like that, nor can I change any of your settings, view anything you don’t want me to view, or invade your privacy in any way, it’s just an easier way for you to comment without having a login for freshbytes.

Simply put, if you have facebook, you can now post comments on this site without logging into this site.

In the interests of full disclosure, any comments you post to Facebook will now be posted to your Facebook wall if you choose to login via the Facebook Connect button.

In my original testing of this new WordPress Plugin, I found it irritating that the profile page borked the layout of the site. However, this has now been fixed, and the profile page now shows in the correct location.

Yet the only annoying thing that remains is the fact that if you choose to logout of freshbytes (when you’re logged in via facebook connect) is that you also get logged out of facebook. It’s something I want to try and fix, as it’s completely not cool, but as of this moment, I really can’t be bothered diving into the code to get that done. If I have to deal with it, so do you. 😀

At the end of the day, it’s completely up to you whether you use this plugin or not. Use it, don’t use it, hey, I don’t care.

It would be awesome if I could get some more people in the “Last Visitors” column, though.

AHAHA! Epic fail on my part. Oops.

In a fit reminiscent of the fail whale, I managed to publish this post to the wrong blog… Epic lulz. How does that happen, anyway?! 😛

If you want, you can read the full post over at freshbytes. Hit this link up for more.