The Worst Thing You Can Say To A Blogger

…is that “no one ever reads your blog”.

Ouch. What a scathing comment.

Blogs are these magical places where the author can put whatever he/she wants, whenever he/she wants. Content is purely the discretion of the blogger, and if it’s a personal blog (like this one is), then the content is usually what the blogger deems “cool”.

Anyways, just thought you should know that the worst thing you can ever say to a blogger is that no one ever reads their blog.

Satish Narayan dies after his wife Rajini allegedly set his genitals alight

A MAN whose wife allegedly set fire to his genitals while he slept has died.


The incident has now been declared a major crime by police and it is likely his wife, Rajini, will face a charge of manslaughter or murder.

Police have alleged Mr Narayan’s wife doused his genitals with methylated spirit and then set him on fire about 5.30am on December 7.

via Satish Narayan dies after his wife Rajini allegedly set his genitals alight | Top stories |




Merry Christmas to you, sir!

Hey there,

Just a short note to say Merry Christmas to you, sir, and all of your buddies.

From myself, have a good one, be safe, and most of all – enjoy whatever you do on this day of food and presents.

Because we all love presents, right?

Right? 😛

Aussie government’s own report trashes ‘Net filtering

Australia’s hugely controversial ISP filtering plan received a lump of Christmas coal in its stocking with the release this week of a new report that points out the many difficulties with such a scheme. The current government’s response is to make clear that the report was commissioned by the previous government—which apparently makes it a bit suspect. A live trial of the filtering system has been delayed into January, but it is still going ahead.

via Aussie government’s own report trashes ‘Net filtering.

Senator Conroy – let’s just get this over with and dump this already.

Stop wasting our money, and focus on something that really matters – FTTN FTW!

Your guide to moving unseen in Left 4 Dead

When you’re playing the versus mode in Left 4 Dead, the zombie’s ability to see the outline of your character through the walls gives them a huge advantage while planning their attacks. There are some things you can do to make that outline disappear so you can move in secret, but what those things are have been subject to debate online. Finally, someone on the Steam forum has outlined exactly what you can and can’t do if you want to remain unseen.

via Your guide to moving unseen in Left 4 Dead.

I really, really need a computer that can handle this game!!

ARGH!! Not being able to play this game is driving me mad… 🙁