iTunes DRM-Free Files Contain Personal Info

“Apple’s iTunes Plus files are DRM-free, but sharing the files on P2P networks may be an extremely bad idea. A report published by CNet highlights the fact that the account information and email address of the iTunes account holder is hidden inside each and every DRM-free download. I checked, and I found I couldn’t access the information using an ID3 tag editor, but using Notepad I found my email address stored inside the audio file itself.”

via Slashdot | iTunes DRM-Free Files Contain Personal Info.

Cough, cough.

Late enough, Slashdot? This was “news” when iTunes Plus was released TWO YEARS AGO.

And no, John Gruber, I don’t remember a time when Slashdot carried cutting-edge, breaking news. Was there ever?

Daring Fireball RSS Feed

Here’s the story that’s mentioned in the Daring Fireball link, as well as the actual story on DF itself.

How Microsoft Beats GNU/Linux In Schools

Education and Government Incentives [EDGI] and “Microsoft Unlimited Potential” are programs that allows vendors to sell Windows at zero cost. Microsoft’s nightmare scenario has already been realized in Indiana and other places. Windows is not really competitive and schools that switch save tens of millions of dollars.

via Slashdot | How Microsoft Beats GNU/Linux In Schools.

Hmm – so this is why our school has switched to MS servers… Which sucks completely!

Just because they want to save a little each year…

But TRWTF (The Real Worse Than Failure)is: one of the tags on this slashdot post is masturbation.

I mean, really?! WHY!!


Teen sends 14,500 texts in a month

A Californian father was left speechless when he discovered his teenage daughter had sent an astonishing 14,528 text messages in one month.

via Teen sends 14,500 texts in a month.

That’s actually impressive.

480 texts per day – at a rate of two every minute.

On another note – I wonder how many would have just been of the “LOL” or “ROFL” variety.

My personal record is something like 2400 in a month – but that’s nothing compared to 14,500 in a month.
