Thanks to a lack of a constant internet connection, I wrote a lot of tweets that didn’t get published. A few were thanks to frequent trips to Starbucks, but many, many others didn’t. Without further ado, I present: tweets from the road: stuff that didn’t get posted during my time away from the constantly connected web (note that some are actually longer than 140 characters). There’s a backstory to most of them, but I’ll leave it up to your imagination to fill in the blanks. In some kind of chronological order…

If you look closely, you can see the AMP tower or whatever it’s called.
What most people don’t know is there’s a game you play on intl flights called “respect other people’s personal space as much as possible”.
This guy next to me lost very badly, as did the woman in front who had her chair reclined almost the entire flight.
Travelled something like 6000 kilometres yesterday, but Fitbit reports a mere 5500 steps taken. Technology, hey?
Think my Comply foam tips worked just as well as a pair of noise-cancelling headphones would have on that flight, at a fraction of the cost.
Day two of my overseas trip and my sister already has Wi-Fi. Me? I can wait a few more days to sync my Fitbit, check email, etc.
Kinda disappointed in myself. Only lasted just over a day without Wi-Fi before I succumbed to the mistress of TCP.
Saw the first Hunger Games on the plane over. It was OK, I guess, if you’re willing to overlook the entire dystopian future aspect.
Riddick, on the other hand, was kind of stupid. Did not enjoy.
Worst thing about travelling, by far, is the sub-quality showers. I can deal with everything else, but showers with no water pressure, no.
Can you tell I slept in these pants? Because I totes did.
My sister just revealed to me she turned off autocorrect on her iPod touch. The shame.
Always amazes me how great iPhone battery life is in airplane mode.
…which is exactly what I need on long bus rides from KLIA to my father’s remote hometown. Just me and Miley, or Kilometrey as she’s known here
I seem to be catching a lot of buses in Malaysia. It’s like I never left Hobart!
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