Spotted at UTas, Part II

Not surprisingly, this was on a ladies toilet door in the IT building.

There are two possibilities why it’s there: a, for the international students who maybe done recognise what the female sign is, or b, for the dull-witted IT students who have stayed up all night doing their assignments, or have crammed for exams.

Either way, it’s pretty hilarious, no?

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Expanded Li-Ion Battery. Do. Not. Want.

Thankfully, not mine – it was some poor customer’s battery from their MacBook Pro.

The expansion itself is pretty impressive – normally those batteries are no more than an inch thick, but this apparent expansion was enough to pop-off the cover of this battery – no mean feat, let me tell you.

Anyway. There’s an expanded Li-Ion battery for you.

Posted via email from Benny’s randomly-updated Posterous

Authentication Challenge

I had an issue a while back which prevented me from logging in to my Uni’s wireless network because of the proxy they use. HTTP authentication issues were driving me up the wall, so I had to find a workaround…

The issue was that the 3.0 version of iPhone software provided new facilities to automatically login into wireless hotspots, but because of the way that UTAS handled Wi-Fi authentication (via HTTP), it lead to some sort of conflict between the two, resulting in me not being able to use the Uni’s Wi-Fi, and one very frustrated Benny. It was suggested that I upload an iPhone configuration profile to my device from the iPhone Configuration Utility, but I had absoloutely no idea how to do so to workaround the Wi-Fi issue.

…and find a workaround I did. After much internet research (read: Googling, complaining on Twitter), I found others who had the exact same issue, and one internet commentator in particular suggested an app which actually *broke* 3.0’s auto-hotspot-login functionality, which then allowed me to login as per pre-3.0. Somewhat ironically, the app itself was designed to assist in logging into wireless hotspots. It certainly assisted me, but probably not in the way the original creators intended…

Breaking functionality to make somethig work? Who would’ve thought? I’m sure there’s an official way to do it out there, but as for me – if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! 🙂

Posted via email from Benny’s randomly-updated Posterous

iPhone GSM Codes

Every phone has a set of commands that allows you to enter so you can access special functions. You do so by entering certain combinations of stars, numbers, and hashes into the phone, which allow you find out information, or even control settings.

The most common one available to every phone I’ve tried it on so far is the code to display your phones IMEI – an identification code which allows it to be identified on your Telco’s network. Type *#06# into your keypad, press dial, and you should see your IMEI as a long string of numbers. Cool, huh?

There’s one other one that allows you to change how long your phone will ring for before it is diverted to voicemail, but that’s not what the code above does – instead, the code above actually makes the iPhone go into a “Field Test” mode, which, among other things, allows a user to see such information as GSM signal strength, cell tower info, and so on. It’s incredibly complex and I don’t pretend to understand all of the information there, but it’s pretty cool nonetheless.

Well, I think so, anyway. 🙂

Posted via email from Benny’s randomly-updated Posterous

Something is not right…

No, this isn’t the kid’s TV show featuring Madeline and some other girls and boys… Instead, it’s the second one from the camera roll. Here goes.

Most iPhone apps follow Apple’s UI conventions – however, this eBuddy app (again, a free instant messager app) didn’t seem to.

Normally the popup you see (the “Turn on push notifications” message) would be on top of any other thing that would be going on in the background, but apparently not, in this case. I’m no iPhone developer, but I’m pretty sure the popup message takes precedence over the slide up selection menu (the “create an eBuddy ID” message).

Maybe some function wasn’t called in the right order, maybe something went wrong along the line. I certainly haven’t seen such a thing in any other app I’ve used, so, it was screenshotted and now displayed for your pleasure.

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