Generic errors. Gotta love ’em.

It’s widely known that I enjoy mobile blogging, and for the iPhone, there’s one of two options; the official WordPress app for iPhone, or blogging via email with a service like Posterous and it’s “Post Everywhere” integration.

While the WordPress app is unbeatable for purely text posts, I’m not a huge fan of the way it handles pictures, placing them at the bottom of the post, right after all the text commentary. That would be okay if there was an option to edit how the final post will look, but as far as I can tell, there isn’t.

Sometimes though, the app itself does weird things – as you can see in the screenshot above. I’m not sure whether the error describes an issue with the app, or the data connection (not dissimilar to Tweetie’s “secure connection failed” messages [which could also be attributed to Twitter itself, but that’s another story]).

There’s also another interesting story regarding the error itself – but I’ll save that for another time.

Posted via email from Benny’s randomly-updated Posterous

The end of IPv4 is nigh…

Counting down the days before we run out of IPv4 address space? Yes, there’s an app for that.

The app itself isn’t ver impressive – while it continually updates the numbers you see above, I *highly* doubt it’s in real time, and I’m also a little suspiscious of it’s accuracy.

If this app is to be believed, the end of IPv4 address space really is nigh…

Posted via email from Benny’s randomly-updated Posterous

A clear inch of dust!

Cleaned out my room a month or so ago, and up against the window-sill I had a stack of PC User magazines (heresy, I know).

They must have been there a while, because as soon as I removed them I noticed a clear and distinct line of dust where the edge of the magazines once sat.

Scary stuff – needless to say, my room is now pretty clean. Actually, scratch that; a set of 4.1 Logitech speakers (no I didnt lose a speaker, they’re branded as 4.1), and a gigabit PCI network card that I bought of PC Case Gear because I thought the gigabit ports on my motherboard were stuffed. Turns out they weren’t – some residual power issue was running rampant, and leaving my PC unplugged for a while seems to have fixed the issue. /shrugs.

Posted via email from Benny’s randomly-updated Posterous

Put real blog entry title here.

First things first – Tweetie 2 for iPhone is a Twitter client. Twitter has these things called trending topics, which can be supplemented by hashtags. Usually trending topics give a (fairly) good indication about “what’s hot” on Twitter at the moment.

I say fairly, because sometimes it’s possible to manipulate the trending topics list – and, if you’re unlucky enough, you’ll get your hashtag blocked from appearing in the trending topics list, as happened to the #hottest100 hashtag.

I don’t really care for trending topics on Twitter, mainly because they’re mostly spam-fests, and somewhat dominated by African Americans (who seem to tweet mostly crap, if I do say so myself).

Anyway, Tweetie 2 for iPhone has a feature where it will define trending topics for you. I’m not sure where it gets it’s info from, but it’s almost comparable to Brizzly’s trending topic definitions. Actually, it’s not. Brizzly’s definition service for trending topics is excellent.

The point is, somewhere along the line someone stuffed up – and, for want of a real definition, #witchaweakass doesn’t have a definition.

Posted via email from Benny’s randomly-updated Posterous