Congratulations to the masters of the metaphor – Gizmodo.

This noxious attitude has permeated our tech culture for the last couple of decades, from a half-decade of open-source devotees crying about Microsoft on Slashdot, on toward the last few years of Apple ascendency. It’s childish. It’s defeatist. And it shows a simultaneous fear to actually innovate and improve while spilling gallons of capitulative semen to a fatuous, dystopian cuckold wank-mare.

via iPad Snivelers: Put Up or Shut Up – Engineers – Gizmodo.

Bolded for emphasis. Is that not the best metaphor you’ve ever read?

QDB: Quote #301717

<charl> hey navi, help. 9x – 7i > 3(3x-7u), for i

<navi> i <3 u

<navi> .. i’m going to kill you in your sleep

Comment: charl has a crush on navi. both are male, and navi is straight.

via QDB: Quote #301717.

Ubisoft’s new DRM will end your game if you’re disconnected from the internet.

Ubisoft wasn’t kidding when it said that its new digital rights management technique mandates “an active Internet connection to play the game, for all game modes.”

Advance copies of the first two games to embrace the new solution–Assassin’s Creed II PC and The Settlers 7 PC–recently arrived at PC Gamer, leading to the discovery that the games automatically shut down if temporarily disconnected from the Internet.

via Ubisoft’s New PC DRM Really Requires Net Access, Ends Game If Disconnected – Shacknews – PC Games, PlayStation, Xbox 360 and Wii video game news, previews and downloads.

Zero Point Ruler

zero point ruler

Reset the ruler’s starting point by placing your pen/pencil anywhere along the ruler’s solar-powered touch screen surface.

via The Daily What.