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A change not of seasons, but of themes.

People keep telling me that change is good. Even though my own experience says otherwise, they say that change is almost always for the better, rather than for the worse. (Realistically, bad change is terrible. Horrible, even.) They say that change is good because a lack of change leads to stagnation, which leads to a lack of innovation, which is bad.

I propose a different hypothesis: change is only good of the change itself is at least as good as, if not vastly better than, what existed before.

Which is really why I chose to change my WordPress theme.

I’ve posted about theme changes before, but it’s been quite a while since the last theme change; in the beginning I used to change themes quite frequently, every couple of months wasn’t uncommon. As soon as I settled on Grid Focus, though, it seemed that I wouldn’t change unless I saw something even more minimalistic or clean. That’s not to say I wasn’t looking, I was always on the lookout for a lore minimalistic theme, a cleaner theme. In Google Reader there’s posts that pop up every now and again that showcase what’s new in the world of WordPress themes, and almost everytime I scrolled past them, dismissing them as “too busy”, or “just not what I’m looking for.

Until, that is, I found Minblr by the guys at, creators of Awesome WordPress Themes. (Full disclosure: those are affiliate links. Click them. Or Don’t.)

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A slightly-overexposed photo of Domokun

Slightly over-exposed in the top rightLEFT corner, but otherwise I think it turned out okay. I had a different one under fluorescent lights but I like this one better; brings out the texture of the fabric of Domo whereas the one under fluoros was pretty bland.

As an aside the image  number is 1337. Yes, I had a little giggle over that one.

EDIT: I get my right and left confused without meaning to.

Guys? Guys, I think I might have a problem.

Most-recently acquired Nerf guns at the top, least-recently acquired ones at the bottom. What’s not in the photo: one Secret-Strike AS-1 (long since lost, I think), my very first broken Maverick (didn’t cock properly, tried to fix it, that didn’t go so well), and one single-shot Nerf. Not sure what it’s called, but there’s a picture here.

Perhaps one day I’ll post about each individual gun.

Hello, Melbourne.

See those ugly lines running all over the screen? Exactly what I hate about Melbourne. Sometimes a guy just wants his view of the sky to be unimpeded, you know?

Photo taken with iPhone 4 with in-camera HDR. Straight from the camera, no editing.