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1000 Posts!

good idea

via Buttersafe – Updated Tuesdays and Thursdays » Archive » Lightning Safety.

Have you ever had an idea that made total, complete sense at the time, but looking back you see that that couldn’t have been further from the truth? Hindsight, after all, is 20/20.

That’s pretty much what the above comic illustrates.

1000 posts, huh? This doesn’t have anything to do with hindsight, apart from the fact that I’ve never regretted a moment of it. Seriously, I’ve had a blast — when this little blog started up at the end of July 2008 with a massively profound video from Steve Jobs, I had no idea what to expect.

Hopefully this blog has been a little slice of the internet as experienced by myself — from the notorious “is awesome!” posts to every post that contained a part that (usually) didn’t have a “Part I”. From all the posts that were posted via email from Posterous (that I’ve now stopped using), to the post that explained why social networking is hugely overrated (oh, wow). Through all the good times, the bad, and all the cute girls inbetween, it’s been awesome.

So, dear reader, it’s late and I have work tomorrow — here’s to the next 1000. Perhaps if I feel like it I’ll post up something a little more meaningful a little later on, but that’s it for now.

Oh, you said you wanted a pic for proof?

Minecraft — it’s not you, it’s me!

As much as I have enjoyed playing Minecraft so far, the honeymoon that we once shared is all but well and truly over. That doesn’t necessarily mean we’re doomed to a never-ending stream of lacklustre mining expeditions, though — read on, dear reader, to explore my Minecraft journey so far and see what turned me off.

At first, I didn’t get the point of Minecraft. “So you build stuff in an environment that’s totally made out of blocks? Cool story bro.” It just didn’t seem all that appealing. I mean, I get the whole 8-bit appeal and what Minecraft as a whole represents to indie gaming (as evidenced by Mojang going up big guns like BioWare in such showdowns like The Escapist’s March Mayhem among lots of other prestigious gaming awards that don’t quite come to mind now), but what really is the point of it?

It wasn’t until very early this year that I realised that yes, Minecraft is one of the better games  I had ever played. Some say this epic tale starts with seven friends bored with their existing repertoire of multiplayer games, wanting to try something new that all of them could play, some say that it was two of the seven introducing the others to something that they would go on to spend playing until the wee hours of the morning, forgetting things like meals or toilet breaks (that latter part may not be entirely true).

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