Mass Effect Weaponry
via monkeydseehr: Weaponry – Mass Effect [] | hexington.
Top to bottom, left to right:
N7 Valkyrie — the two-round burst is more annoying than helpful, in my opinion
M-55 Argus — three round burst coupled with a relatively slow firing speed, avoid
M-37 Falcon — the only mini-grenade firing weapon worth using is the Striker Assault Rifle, this just seems like a worse weapon by comparison
Phaeston — a decent alternative to the Cerberus Harrier, if you haven’t unlocked that
N7 Valiant — the only thing that lets down this reasonably-fast-firing sniper rifle is its 3-round mag size
M-90 Indra — haven’t actually unlocked this weapon yet, although from memory it wasn’t too bad in single player
M-13 Raptor — a fast-firing sniper rifle that’s probably closer to an assault rifle, but I think I’ve only seen it used successfully in one game
Javelin — the small delay between pressing the mouse and the Javelin means you constantly have to follow your target with the mouse, which takes a bit of getting used to, otherwise, it’s actually the sniper rifle that does the most damage. The scope is a little unorthodox.
Scorpion — sticky grenades might seem like a good idea, but they rarely are. Doubly so if you can’t aim
Arc Pistol — one of my favourites, able to be either shot as-is or charged up and shot. I use it whenever I’m using a biotic character, although I know people that favour the Scorpion as a secondary for characters that don’t have to consider cooldowns
M-358 Talon — a pistol that fires like a shotgun? Since when did that seem like a good idea? I haven’t used this in combat though, so I can’t tell you how it fares in-game