Something is not right…
No, this isn’t the kid’s TV show featuring Madeline and some other girls and boys… Instead, it’s the second one from the camera roll. Here goes.
Most iPhone apps follow Apple’s UI conventions – however, this eBuddy app (again, a free instant messager app) didn’t seem to.
Normally the popup you see (the “Turn on push notifications” message) would be on top of any other thing that would be going on in the background, but apparently not, in this case. I’m no iPhone developer, but I’m pretty sure the popup message takes precedence over the slide up selection menu (the “create an eBuddy ID” message).
Maybe some function wasn’t called in the right order, maybe something went wrong along the line. I certainly haven’t seen such a thing in any other app I’ve used, so, it was screenshotted and now displayed for your pleasure.